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ASP.MD Medical Office System

Version 92

Certification Number:

Issued: 2/3/2022

Criteria Certified

Meets 170.315 (a)(1): Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) – Medications
Meets 170.315 (a)(2): CPOE – Laboratory
Meets 170.315 (a)(3): CPOE – Diagnostic Imaging
Meets 170.315 (a)(4): Drug-Drug, Drug-Allergy Interaction Checks for CPOE
Meets 170.315 (a)(5): Demographics
Meets 170.315 (a)(9): Clinical Decision Support
Meets 170.315 (a)(12): Family Health History
Meets 170.315 (a)(14): Implantable Device List
Meets 170.315 (b)(1): Transitions of Care
Meets 170.315 (b)(2): Clinical Information Reconciliation and Incorporation
Meets 170.315 (b)(3): Electronic Prescribing
Meets 170.315 (b)(10): Electronic health information export
Meets 170.315 (c)(1): Clinical Quality Measures – Record and Export
Meets 170.315 (d)(1): Authentication, Access Control, Authorization
Meets 170.315 (d)(2): Auditable Events and Tamper-Resistance
Meets 170.315 (d)(3): Audit Report(s)
Meets 170.315 (d)(4): Amendments
Meets 170.315 (d)(5): Automatic Access Time-out
Meets 170.315 (d)(6): Emergency Access
Meets 170.315 (d)(7): End-User Device Encryption
Meets 170.315 (d)(8): Integrity
Meets 170.315 (d)(9): Trusted Connection
Meets 170.315 (d)(12): Encrypt authentication credentials
Meets 170.315 (d)(13): Multi-factor authentication
Meets 170.315 (e)(1): View, Download, and Transmit to 3rd Party
Meets 170.315 (e)(3): Patient Health Information Capture
Meets 170.315 (f)(1): Transmission to Immunization Registries
Meets 170.315 (f)(2): Transmission to Public Health Agencies – Syndromic Surveillance
Meets 170.315 (g)(3): Safety-Enhanced Design
Meets 170.315 (g)(4): Quality Management System
Meets 170.315 (g)(5): Accessibility-Centered Design
Meets 170.315 (g)(6): Consolidated CDA Creation
Meets 170.315 (g)(7): Application Access – Patient Selection
Meets 170.315 (g)(9): Application Access – All Data Request
Meets 170.315 (g)(10): Standardized API for Patient and Population Services
Meets 170.315 (h)(1): Direct Project

Clinical Quality Measures Certified

CMS50: Closing the Referral Loop: Receipt of Specialist Report meets 170.317 (c)(1) does not meet 170.317 (c)(2) does not meet 170.317 (c)(3) does not meet 170.317 (c)(4)
CMS130: Colorectal Cancer Screening meets 170.317 (c)(1) does not meet 170.317 (c)(2) does not meet 170.317 (c)(3) does not meet 170.317 (c)(4)
CMS134: Diabetes: Medical Attention for Nephropathy meets 170.317 (c)(1) does not meet 170.317 (c)(2) does not meet 170.317 (c)(3) does not meet 170.317 (c)(4)
CMS143: Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma (POAG): Optic Nerve Evaluation meets 170.317 (c)(1) does not meet 170.317 (c)(2) does not meet 170.317 (c)(3) does not meet 170.317 (c)(4)
CMS146: Appropriate Testing for Children with Pharyngitis meets 170.317 (c)(1) does not meet 170.317 (c)(2) does not meet 170.317 (c)(3) does not meet 170.317 (c)(4)
CMS154: Appropriate Treatment for Children with Upper Respiratory Infection (URI) meets 170.317 (c)(1) does not meet 170.317 (c)(2) does not meet 170.317 (c)(3) does not meet 170.317 (c)(4)

Additional software (relied upon software) required for certification: None
Disclaimer: This Health IT Module is compliant with the ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Pricing: There are no additional fees beyond quoted monthly fees to purchase, license, implement, maintain, upgrade, use, or otherwise enable and support the use of capabilities to which this health IT is certified. No third party software licenses are required to operate the software or meet requirements. There are no costs to establish interoperability connections to third parties or outside HISPS. There is no charge to connect to additional trust network.